
For a long time, I fancied myself a horror writer. I wanted to be like Stephen King, emulate his writing, emulate the terror.

Problem is, nothing I’ve written has really been scary, with the possible exception of one story that seemed to resonate with a handful of readers.

But now I’m wondering if I’ve ever written real horror.

What is real horror, anyway?

Continue reading “Misnomer”


On Friday I sat beside my seven year-old daughter and watched a movie some ten years older than she is. Maybe you’d seen it flop on its way to the cheap DVD bin in Walmart – it was called Bad Moon and starred Michael Pare and Mariel Hemingway. Remember them? Yeah, almost nobody does. So, … Continue reading Bitten

Diamonds in the Rough

Every once in a while, I come across a really decent movie. What do I mean by decent? Well, it might be predictable and cliché, but can still be well-acted and have moments which redeem the whole film to me. This last trip to the library I picked up a movie called Orphan. And it … Continue reading Diamonds in the Rough

Movie Trailers

I need a little break from the SSRLP I mentioned to you yesterday, so here I am, getting in a second blog post this week. If you like horror movies, you need to subscribe to Al Bruno III’s blog. He’s a creative writer, for one. For another, the guy finds some very cool trailers and … Continue reading Movie Trailers

Mirror, Mirror

This past weekend I watched a horror movie called Mirrors. Mirrors is a supernatural thriller sort of movie starring Keifer Sutherland and some other people I can’t recall and don’t care about. (You might though. 😉 ) It’s a remake of an older movie I know nothing about. Now you know as much about the … Continue reading Mirror, Mirror

On Shaky Ground

I watched a movie today on FearNET called Unearthed. It’s about a small Arizona town cut off from the rest of the world when a tanker carrying the fuel for the only gas station has an accident and all the gas is burned. The town sheriff begins to determine something strange is going on when … Continue reading On Shaky Ground

I Duditz!

*Whew!* That was close! I didn’t think I was going to get my #FridayFlash done this week, but I did it. Yes, it’s late, yes, I probably won’t get many views, but I did write something. It’s just short of 1k this time, but I’m not going to quibble. I wrote it and posted it … Continue reading I Duditz!