Well, will you lookit that! I wrote something! It’s a bit of flash fiction. I’d love to know what you think of it. If you’re of a mind, why don’t you go check it out here and let me know what you think? Thanks! -jdt- Continue reading NO WAY!


Ha! Did I make ya jump?

‘Cause, y’know, my coming back and posting again is sort of unexpected, right?

It shouldn’t be, but it probably is.

Here’s what’s going on…ready?

Continue reading “Boo!”

Why I Hate DST

Today, at 11 a.m. my time, I’m supposed to receive what should be – better be – the last call from the phone support provider contractor, to get our main switchboard changed over from a desktop computer to a laptop.

And I have no idea what time the agent will call.

Continue reading “Why I Hate DST”

Inching Along

Over the last few weeks at work, I’ve been tackling revamping the look and feel of our web pages to bring them out of the 1990s and up to modern standards.

Right now, the most, or at least one of the most, popular and easy-to-implement look-and-feel design templates (called a “framework”) is Bootstrap, created by Twitter.

It has a ton of benefits for lazy people (like me), technically disabled people (like me), and people who want things to look good (like me). So, I chose that one.

Continue reading “Inching Along”

It’s for You

So, the General Manager for the group who owns the building has decided, due to cost-cutting measures, not to have a manned reception desk. He doesn’t want an automated system to answer and transfer customers around, though. I mean, that would be costly, and we can’t have that, now can we?

So to have his cake and eat it too, he came up with a solution in place at other divisions of our company.

Continue reading “It’s for You”

Tough Day

So far, today hasn’t been stellar for me. I got here and everything looked okay, except I realized one of my weekend routines – which I should have checked yesterday – didn’t work right. (Again. *Sigh*)

Then the phone support people wanted me to choke them all. They informed me of this by making things miserable and hard.

And it’s not noon yet where I live.

Continue reading “Tough Day”